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Monday, April 22, 2019

Dewayne D

"I had the great honor of training with Sensei Steve Gottwirt. He has a great way of communicating karate principles using "common sense" and analogies which were particularly helpful to me. We worked Taikyoku, ten no kata, and compared Kenkojuku and ISKF Bassai Dai.

Like getting a second opinion from a doctor, Sensei Gottwirt pointed out many of the same areas my current sensei points out that need continued focus - fluidity, timing, moving with my hips instead of 'stepping'. I had a chance to think about all this advice and the great time I had on the long drive back to DC.

If you are in the Freeport area, I would highly recommend contacting Sensei Gottwirt to see if you can train with him.

Thanks so much Sensei!"

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