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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Paul B.

First I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to test, and then receive, a Green Belt (6th kyu) in Shotokan Karate. Although I have many things to improve upon, and will continue to do so, I am excited to have reached the 6th kyu level. I truly appreciate all the extra time you gave me and all the times you worked with me after class to get me to the next kata or ippon in preparation for Green Belt test.

In addition to studying for my belt test, studying Shotokan Karate at your dojo has brought me the benefits I was looking in a traditional karate school (with a modern component). Your curriculum is rooted in traditional karate and yet, is flexible and modern in design. You begin by first demonstrating and explaining the traditional moves within the katas. Next, you explain then the hidden self-defense meanings of those moves. Then, each student is taught how to adapt these traditional techniques to suite their individual strengths and abilities for maximum effectiveness. Finally, we are given ample time to work with the other students and usually by the end of class, all of us have improved quite a bit. We also have a crystal-clear understanding of what we need to work on at home. Because of this approach, I always feel my home practicing has value because at the next class you review the techniques we've been practicing and then you make corrections and "raise the bar" just a little bit more for each of us. I see that this cycle of "learning in class - home practice- corrections at next class --raising the bar a little bit" is immensely valuable and is what keeps your students progressing while the students at some other karate schools I've tried (before joining yours) seem to stay at the same level and ability.

Although your classes are fast paced and provide a heart-healthy cardio workout, you allow ample time for questions and corrections. As result of training with your school, I've lost several inches around mid-section; started regaining my flexibility of 20 years ago and have a convenient way to exercise while reducing stress. I imagine other students who join your school (and who also train at home) will see similar results.

Thank you for providing such high-quality instruction and guidance.

Paul B.

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